French automobiles were always all-sufficient, expressive and stylish design. Peugeot is especially … as this car or, “le char” in French, are always essential.
Peugeot 308 RC Z is modern, elegant, unusually plastic car and universal for both men and women, it belongs subcompact car. And this is a tendency for Peugeot in a design, but Peugeot 308 RC Z is absolutely new direction in the company’s work, if we look at all new technologies used during its creation.
Designers of Peugeot dreamt to create an auto car which can give great enjoyment to its driver and positives from dynamic and lightness during the driving process . And they showed that dreams become a reality. The company produced a four-seater compartment, not only with harmonical style, but Peugeot 308 RC Z became very functional. Besides the French are not in jest and name 308 RC Z “compartment”. Though such proportions you can find in the up-to-date compartment-cabriole with metal roof, but 308 RC Z is exactly a compartment and its top isn’t put away.
Peugeot 308 RC Z has also got smooth lines in the inside interior with marvelous visibility and illumination of its salon. Designers thought of material’s quality used in it with different insertions which give sporting and prestige looking. Ergonomic driver’s seat allows full car control. All inside style harmonizes with outside design. Inestimable advantage is spacious field inside and original designers’ solutions make the auto car comfortable and handy.